Add extra fonts

Creation date: 11/29/2023 9:51 PM    Updated: 3/7/2025 2:51 PM   extra fonts fonts shx ttf
NanoCAD supports two font formats: *ttf and *shx. The *ttf format is the standard format for the Windows operating system. 

To install a *ttf font, simply double-click the font file and select “Install” from the window that appears. After installing, the font will be automatically added to your system and can be used in NanoCAD (you may need to restart the application).

Fonts in the *shx format are not standard for the system and are commonly used in various CAD programs. To install them, you need to copy the font files to a special folder. For NanoCAD, this is the folder C: \ProgramData \Nanosoft AS \nanoCAD x64 xx.x \SHX. 

Please copy your font files to this folder and restart the program.