How to import the cuix file to nanoCAD.
1. Download the latest version of the cuix2cfg converter.
2. Unzip it to an empty folder. Add your .cuix file to this folder.
3. Run the converter through the Windows prompt: cuix2cfg.exe MyCuix.cuix
You also can add the following keys to this line:
'-x' adds icons from cuix to the project. Creates the icon library folder, and adds the paths to this folder to the cfg file.
'-l' creates the DLL icon library instead of separate icons. This key changes the cfg and creates the project for DLL, which can be compiled using Visual Studio.
'-b' uses the Bicubic icon scaling algorithm (softer image). By default, a more contrast algorithm is used.
'-c' creates a new CUIX. If the original file is not recognized by the platform and the feed is missing, you can try this key to create a minimum guaranteed working version of CUIX. In this case, the functionality of the feed may not match the original and, accordingly, will require revision.
'-m' to create a simple menu if the CUIX doesn't include it. If there is no menu in the imported CUIX, the utility can create a simple menu as a sample for revision.
'-t' to create a simple toolbar if the CUIX doesn't include it. If there is no toolbar in the imported CUIX, the utility can create a simple toolbar as a sample for revision.
4. After conversion you will get the following:
MyCuix_IconLib folder.
5. Move both files and folder to c:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Nanosoft\nanoCAD x.x\Config\
6. Edit nanoCAD.cfg. Add this text after the existing Ribbon section:
and this text to the end of the document:
#include "MyCuix.cfg"
7. It is possible to add new icons to your project. It can be done in the INTERFACE dialog in nanoCAD or manually in the MyCuix.cfg file, I'll explain both ways.
a) INTERFACE dialog.
Run nanoCAD, and call the INTERFACE command. Find your MyCuix.cfg file in the drop-down list. Choose one of your commands, and change its BitmapDLL property to the path to icon:
b) MyCuix.cfg file
Open this file, and find a command that should have an icon:
TooltipText=sMy Command
And edit two lines:
Save the file and run nanoCAD.
If you plan to share MyCuix.cfg with other users, choose the second option.
That's all, your menu, ribbon, and icons will be added to nanoCAD.